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Tree Fertilization • 713-776-2040

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Black dye leaching from wet mulch. Don’t put colored mulch in your landscaping!

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What is Urban Decline?
Among the problems leading to urban tree decline are: air pollution, soil compaction, mower and machine caused injuries, poor pruning, heat reflected from streets and buildings, direct root damage from excavations and turf cultivation, paving, improperly applied herbicides, over watering, construction damage, potting above and below ground level, over planting and lack of understanding about tree growth and development.

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Roy Rivers, Tree Doctor - North Houston

Insured For Your Protection

Qualifications of Roy Rivers Jr.

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Tree Doctor
The Americal Plant Pathology Society [APS]
Certified Arborist
Certified Consulting Arborist
Urban Forester
Urban Forestry Counselor
Certified Pesticide Applicator from the Texas Department of Agriculture
Certified Oak Wilt Specialist and Registered with the Texas Forest Service

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The Tree Doctor Team @ Rivers & Rivers • If you would like, please call us at 713-776-2040
If you get no response from sending this email, please call us at 713-776-2040 for immediate response. Sometimes email just does not go through. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Roy Rivers Jr.
5636 Gessner
Houston, Texas 77041